Sunday, 7 October 2012

WTD#14 - Island Adventure - Part 1

We spent a few weeks on the Sunshine Coast and the north end of Vancouver Island this September.  It was a lovely time - great weather and lots of good hikes and walks and drives on the backroads to some of the remoter communities on the West Coast inlets.

Sorry pup, no dawgs on this trip :(

Here we go!  On the ferry from Horshoe Bay to Gibson's Landing.

Just as we were getting back into our cars at the Langdale terminal, I looked down and saw this Harbour Seal (the first of many) checking out the ferry.

We had some time to kill waiting for the ferry at Earl's Cove, so we nipped in to the tiny burg of Egmont and checked out their museum.  One display there was a collection of all the old canned salmon labels.  This photo represents only about a tenth of what was there.

Back at the ferry landing, a Great Blue Heron was enjoying the sun on one of the pilings.

The view from our cabin at Kent's Beach, about 20 minutes south of Powell River.  We stayed three nights here and did some exploring in the area.

These Bonaparte's Gulls were foraging along the shore in front of our cottage.

We spent an afternoon hiking on one of the many trails in the Powell River/Lund area.  It was a lovely walk through a lush second-growth forest.

The trail passed by some small lakes and ponds, like this one.

The first of many magical forest walks.

Next day, we are off to Savary Island via water-taxi from Lund.  Savary is a small island, only seven km long, with no regular car ferry.  There are some full-time residents, but mostly summer homes, and a large undeveloped area in the middle of the island.  Apparently the south side has the warmest water for swimming in the area.

We started walking along the beach on the north side of the island and came upon another heron (they seem to be everywhere on the coast).

But they will only let you get so close.

We found a trail that cuts across the undeveloped middle of the island from north to south, and spotted these Pileated Woodpeckers attacking a tree.  Note the size of the woodchip flying past the head of the one on the left.

Taking a little preening break.

On the south side of the island, what else but another heron, this time dining on some kind of fish - perch maybe?

Lots of shorebirds, including this Killdeer, blending in quite nicely with the detritus on the beach.

It was a beautiful sunny day, and got quite hot with the sun already fairly low on the horizon, so it was nice to find some shade in a little driftwood shelter someone had made.

Just a glorious day - we had the whole beach to ourselves and spent some time soaking up the beauty and sunlight and colour.  Even went for a (very brief and refreshing) dip.

Some gulls also enjoying the day.

These are Black Turnstones, of which there were many along the shore.

And, to end the day the way it began, another heron - this one posing regally among it's acolytes.  Tune in next time for Gold River and beyond ...

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