Monday, 21 January 2013

WTD#22 - A New Year

Suddenly the holidays are a distant memory, it is mid-January and the days are getting longer.  We have been blessed with a mild winter (so far) and some beautiful sunny days in the past few weeks.  Before all the snow came Dawg and I did one last hike in the Brilliant Terrace area, above Veregin's Tomb.

It seems that no matter the time of year or weather, there is beauty to be found, as in this cluster of maple seeds in the sunlight.

This is the bud of a cottonwood sapling, waiting for the warmth of spring to burst open.

Ponderosa Pine bark glowing in the sunlight.

Once the snow arrived we shifted into our routine of skiing, almost daily, on the Slocan Rail Trail.

One late afternoon we noticed a flock of almost twenty wild turkeys traversing a snowy slope above the trail.

Then, one by one, they flew up into the crown of a Douglas Fir tree to roost for the night.

I am always impressed when I see these big birds flying - it seems to defy the laws of physics.

Flying into the sunset.

The colours in the river are pretty spectacular these days.  This is the "whirlpool", near Kosiancic farm.

Some sunset reflections - same spot.



Looking north from the same spot.

Facing north, along a back-channel of the river.

Cottonwood skyline

Reflections in a pool in the back-channel

Cottonwoods illuminated by the afternoon sun.   What a joy to be out here on a beautiful winter's day, hey Pup?

"Why are we stopping again?"


  1. Almost wish I was there thanks to your gorgeous pictures, Karl! Thanks.

    1. Emphasis on 'almost' :)

      Thanks Linda. Glad to hear you are having a great time in the sun!
